Estate Law
Have you recently lost a loved one? Are you disputing the accuracy of a will? Did your loved one die without a will? Are you an heir and want to know your legal rights?
If so, the Shirley Law Firm has experience regarding the requirements necessary to execute a will and legal knowledge concerning the defenses to enforcement of a will signed under any undue influence. The Shirley Law Firm in addition handles those estates where a person dies without a will. The legal process after losing a loved one can be confusing and like any legal matter time is of the essence.
Contact the Shirley Law firm for all legal inquiries relating to the Probate process and for assistance in determining the appropriate legal steps in distributing a will in accordance with the wishes of the deceased and/or distributing the property/proceeds of the estate in compliance with Alabama law for those instances where a loved one has died without a will. Call us at 334-897-5775 for a free consultation.